News and Activities of the Councils

Statement of the Executive Council of the KIU regarding events in Kirkuk

Statement of the Executive Council of the KIU regarding events in Kirkuk

In the name of Allah

We in the Kurdistan Islamic Union are very concerned about events in the beloved city of Kirkuk, which unfortunately has caused the martyrdom and injury of Kurdish sons?!

While condemning the use of military force against civilians, we call on the federal and local governments to take necessary measures as soon as possible, to hold those responsible for the incidents accountable to prevent them from happening again.

From the very beginning, the KIU has been against narrow party conflicts and sacrificing public interests for the sake of party and private interests, despite all these difficult circumstances, another burden cannot be created for the citizens and the roads of two cities cannot be closed, therefore, the KIU has raised the slogan of “coexistence” in Kirkuk for the sake of peace in the city.

Kurdistan Islamic Union

Executive Council
