News & Activities of the Secretary-General

Secretary-General of the KIU and Iraqi Foreign Minister met

Secretary-General of the KIU and Iraqi Foreign Minister met

During his visits to Baghdad, Salahaddin Mohammed Bahaaddin, Secretary-General of the Kurdistan Islamic Union (KIU), accompanied by a high-level delegation, visited Iraqi Foreign Minister Fuad Hussein.

The meeting discussed the political situation in the Kurdistan Region, Iraq, the region and the world, they said the sensitivity of the situation requires great caution and everyone must feel more responsible and Support Gaza, the Palestinian cause, and the right of self-determination for the Palestinian people.

Secretary-General of the KIU stressed that the Kurdish representatives in the government and the House of Representatives in Baghdad to work as a team towards a radical solution to the problems, especially the salary issue.

The Iraqi Foreign Minister expressed his pleasure at the visit of the Secretary-General of the KIU and attached great importance to his visit to Baghdad.