News & Activities of the Secretary-General

Secretary-General of the KIU: Kirkuk spent a sad evening

Secretary-General of the KIU: Kirkuk spent a sad evening

Salahaddin Mohammed Bahaaddin, Secretary-General of the Kurdistan Islamic Union (KIU), tweeted: “Unfortunately, Kirkuk spent a sad evening yesterday. The situation reached the point where innocent youth were killed and injured instead of apologizing and looking for a solution and punish the perpetrators, they go back to stirring up national sentiment and accusing each other and running away from their responsibility for the events!”.

"We send our condolences to the martyrs and pray for healing for the injured. We want everyone to look at the incident with a sense of responsibility and punish the perpetrators fairly and prevent the situation from escalating," he said.

"It is obvious that the civil unrest and civil war is not in the interest of any community or party, Kirkuk is beautiful with community and coexistence, the solution is to dominate the spirit of brotherhood and culture of mutual acceptance.