News & Activities of the Secretary-General

Secretary-General of the KIU inspects the party cadres in the city of Sheikhan

Secretary-General of the KIU inspects the party cadres in the city of Sheikhan

Secretary-General of the Kurdistan Islamic Union Salahuddin Muhammad Bahaauddin, accompanied by a number of party leader, met with a crowd of cadres of the Union in the city of Sheikhan.

Secretary-General of the Kurdistan Islamic Union Salahuddin Muhammad Bahaauddin during a speech to the Party cadres in the city of Sheikhan, on the occasion of the 24th anniversary of the declaration of the party, he pointed out that the Islamic Union has become a school for educating generations of young people,

It is noteworthy that the Secretary-General of the Kurdistan Islamic Union has visited the city of Dohuk and met with officials and cadres of the party there during the past few days.